Creator Mondays: Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark
Looking for a new way to get inspired and start the week off the right way? Grab a cup of coffee and join us for a brand new series: “Creator Mondays.” Each week, we sit down with one of the incredible hosts from our iHeartRadio community to talk podcasts, hosting life, Monday motivation routines and much more!
This week, we’re joined by not just one—but two—iHeartRadio podcast legends: Chuck Bryant and Josh Clark. The pair host the acclaimed podcasts series, Stuff You Should Know, which they’ve recorded twice weekly since 2008, and won numerous awards for while breaking download records along the way. In 2018, Chuck and Josh also introduced Short Stuff, a more bite-sized version of their podcast. Read on to hear more about their hosting lives, the pursuit of lifelong learning and how they keep things fresh after recording nearly 1,300 podcast episodes.
What drew you to podcasting and how did you become hosts?
Honest answer is that it was a work assignment from our boss, Conal Byrne. But we quickly got into it and dove in with all four feet. We realized we had good on mic chemistry right away and ran with it.
What is it about the medium of podcasts that make them so special and popular?
The immediacy and connection with listeners. We’re literally in their earholes and it’s very personal. I say this as a host and as a fan and listener myself. Also, the speed at which we can get something out the door is pretty unique among other types of media.
Both of you have been hosting podcasts for a long-time, how has it changed over the years?
Well, it’s certainly more crowded. But I think it’s all for the better. More shows, more diverse voices and points of view. More creativity.
Can you tell us something we might not know about the podcast(s) you host right now?
Hmmm, well we’ve never scripted or rehearsed a single word of Stuff You Should Know. And there are very few edits. What you hear is a real conversation almost exactly as it happened.
What advice do you have for anyone who dreams of hosting a show someday?
Make it sound great, set a release schedule and stick to it, and speak in your own voice. That is, don’t try to be something you aren’t.
What inspires you both, and do you have any Monday tips to help kick off each week the right way?
I’m inspired by people who do real work without expecting credit and adulation. Basically the opposite of what I do! Monday tips – start the week with a detailed list of what you have to get done each day.
How do you keep coming up with new topics for Stuff You Should Know? Do you have a favorite episode or show story to share?
It’s easy because we can literally talk about anything! It’s a big world bursting with topics.
Whether you’re looking for hosting advice or tips to stay motivated, check back next week for more featured hosts and make “Creator Mondays” a new Monday ritual.