Podcast Spotlight: Looking for a New Show to Listen To? Here’s What’s New in Podcasts This Week!
With so many podcasts being made today, it’s hard to keep up. Luckily, with the help of iHeartRadio’s Podcast Spotlight, you can find something new to listen to every week. Here’s the latest on our iHeartPodcasts including new seasons and episodes:
Curious about how musicians craft their latest hits? Tune into iHeartPodcast’s “615 House Podcast”, a digital home for influential artists, songwriters and other creatives on the cutting edge of Nashville culture. The podcast features intimate conversations around creativity, art and authenticity with people who make the music that you listen to everyday. The “615 House Podcast” gives the audience a peek behind the curtain of what it takes to break in the new Nashville – the ups and downs, creative heartaches and triumphs – and all of the life along the way. Tune in every Wednesday for a sneak peek into the artist's creative process!
Whatever happened to rapper Young Thug? iHeartPodcast’s “King Slime: The Prosecution of Young Thug and YSL” goes deep into the story of the rapper who now faces serious time in prison. In 2022, the Atlanta police raided the mansion of Jeffrey Lamar Williams, known across the globe as Young Thug. An 88-page indictment alleges that the rapper and 28 other co-defendants participated in organized gang activity, committing crimes ranging from assault and theft to murder. Hosted by music journalist, Christina Lee, and crime and politics reporter, George Chidi, the podcast unearths the full story of the craziest trial in Atlanta and hip-hop’s history.
iHeartPodcast’s “Dear Alana” explores a true story at the intersection between LGBTQ+ culture and faith. When Alana Chen died at the age of 24 in Boulder, she left behind two dozen journals chronicling a deep faith, love of fashion and passion to become a nun. But she also harbored a secret. At 14, she confessed to her priest that she was attracted to women and was convinced not to tell her parents. With guidance from the priest, Alana covertly sought pastoral counsel and conversion therapy. Alana ultimately ended her life in 2019 after being hospitalized with depression. The podcast is hosted by Simon Kent Fun, who learned of Alana’s story and reached out to the family to offer comfort. Simon had a shockling similar story, as he too sought out conversion therapy for nearly a decade in his efforts to become a priest. As he discovers more about Alana’s brief life and their overlapping experiences, he’s compelled to understand the truth of what happened to her—and finally face what happened to him. Tune in Tuesdays to hear him come to terms with the heartbreaking story.
Check back next week for new podcasts, seasons, and episodes you won’t want to miss. And if you still want more podcasts, click over to iHeart’s Podcast Top 100 to stay up-to-date with the most popular and trending shows.